3M 7956 double sided tape in sheets is a thin double sided tape with double liner, excellent for graphic use. The sheets are produced with 200 Mp 3M acrylic adhesive and double liner in polythene paper and polyetser backing. UL homologated product.
Techinical features:
Measurements: 61cm x 91cm or 70cm x 100cm
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Product description
3M 7956 double sided tapes in sheets feature double liner and guarantee high adhesion for long-lasting couplings, high cohesion to resist to mechanical stess and a liner that is resistant to moisture, UV light and high temperatures (continuosly up 121°C and up 149°C for short terms). The total thickness of the sheet is 150 micron, equally divided: 50 micron of upper adhesive, 50 micron of polyester backing , 50 micron of lower adhesive
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